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World Lore


#028 Hipidge OVERVIEW COMMON DESCRIPTION An amphibious herbivore that enjoys shallow lakes and forested regions. Spending most of its time foraging for underwater plants to munch on. GALLERY

#027 NAME ME!

#027 Name Me! OVERVIEW RARE DESCRIPTION An elusive critter which spends its time stalking up in the jungle canopy. No one's really sure why it has a horn aside from attracting a mate. GALLERY


#026 Twin-Nosed Eeelstritch OVERVIEW UNCOMMON DESCRIPTION Its sensitive and wiggly protrusions on its nose act like whiskers, which it uses to detect movements in the water. Its spotty skin helps it to camouflage in the tropical environments that it is found in. GALLERY


#025 Nectoad OVERVIEW UNCOMMON DESCRIPTION Its throat pouch glows and pulses to attract potential mates in both males and females, which can also store nectar. They like to rummage through riverbanks and turn over rocks for fun, sometimes collecting them in a nest. They have an usual diet of scavenging remains and drinking nectar. Furthermore, they also sound like bullfrogs. GALLERY

#024 NAME ME!

#024 Name Me! OVERVIEW COMMON DESCRIPTION Its body is covered in patches of hard keratin, which protect it from most predators. It has a bubble-like appendage on the top and bottom of its head which are all connected to its nasal cavity, giving it a unique and loud sound. GALLERY


#023 Viper Bonefish OVERVIEW RARE DESCRIPTION Its long body gives it the appearance of an eel, and it has a glowing lure on the top of its head which attracts smaller fish in the dark oceans. GALLERY


In a galaxy far from Earth, magical critters roam an alien planet. Its inhabitants are under threat from corrupted creatures. Choose to save them, or join their forces to take over. The creatures are an artistic exercise in speculative biology - hypothetical creatures with a basis on Earths evolution and scenarios. While it may be inspired from Earths creatures, a pinch of magic and alien elements make it a fun design challenge.