Native Name: ??

Low Danger


LEFTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur molestie tellus sed pretium iaculis. Integer sit amet lacinia massa. Donec vitae lectus eros. Nam hendrerit erat libero, id luctus libero malesuada quis. Suspendisse tristique maximus augue, vel viverra sem commodo et. Sed at leo rutrum augue ornare congue. Nulla tempor iaculis diam id tempus. Donec mattis placerat mi, a congue neque vehicula auctor. Praesent nec quam turpis. Sed vulputate sodales convallis. Proin sagittis odio vel purus vulputate sollicitudin.

Duis pretium massa placerat condimentum euismod. Suspendisse felis ex, tincidunt in rhoncus sit amet, sagittis id dolor. Integer ac ligula sed odio interdum pulvinar nec quis ipsum. Vivamus tempus, libero vitae dictum pretium, nisl nunc gravida urna, non vestibulum neque mi non lorem. Sed commodo mollis risus, ut porta magna faucibus in. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam ultricies cursus lectus, molestie gravida risus finibus id. Sed nulla justo, ultrices id dictum sit amet, ultrices a dui. Donec in molestie nisi, nec rhoncus lorem. Praesent fringilla lorem vel justo commodo, a eleifend ipsum tempus. Sed tincidunt libero a sem commodo ultrices.


"South of The Tree, crystals have overtaken a lot of the forest.
Animals infused with these crystals live here, they are highly magical.
A large underground network of caves with nearly all types of crystal coloration, with the rarer ones being deeper down.
Glowing plants and animals are common.
Creeks and flowing water from deep within the planet."


GEOGRAPHY, CLIMATE, TEMPERATURE, PRECIPITATION Duis pretium massa placerat condimentum euismod. Suspendisse felis ex, tincidunt in rhoncus sit amet, sagittis id dolor. Integer ac ligula sed odio interdum pulvinar nec quis ipsum. Vivamus tempus, libero vitae dictum pretium, nisl nunc gravida urna, non vestibulum neque mi non lorem. Sed commodo mollis risus, ut porta magna faucibus in. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam ultricies cursus lectus, molestie gravida risus finibus id. Sed nulla justo, ultrices id dictum sit amet, ultrices a dui. Donec in molestie nisi, nec rhoncus lorem. Praesent fringilla lorem vel justo commodo, a eleifend ipsum tempus. Sed tincidunt libero a sem commodo ultrices.


Social behaviour, diet, reproduction, life expectancy, diseases/health, magical abilities, In nec congue orci, in convallis tortor. Suspendisse vel arcu convallis, accumsan lectus vel, maximus nunc. Sed dapibus dignissim lectus, a semper arcu dictum vel. Aenean consectetur libero non tortor pellentesque, at fringilla metus varius. Fusce gravida sollicitudin elementum. Fusce lacinia urna nec sapien placerat, in aliquet eros varius. Quisque fringilla risus eros, ac luctus ipsum pellentesque a. Donec egestas condimentum aliquam.

In mollis, justo id fringilla posuere, sem turpis ultricies erat, sit amet gravida dui ipsum eget nibh. Fusce a sapien et nulla ornare tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In commodo arcu ut varius pellentesque. Nunc faucibus pretium commodo. Nulla est tortor, malesuada id congue non, bibendum nec tellus. Duis sodales iaculis odio, vitae aliquam augue vehicula sed. In porttitor scelerisque dui, eget sollicitudin enim ultrices at. Etiam mollis ex et odio tincidunt tincidunt. Nunc sit amet maximus nibh. Praesent a iaculis diam. Nullam eros diam, sodales id ultricies ut, tincidunt accumsan dolor. Nunc non tincidunt elit. Praesent dignissim neque dignissim tortor luctus elementum.


The Eastern Desert comprises several dinstinct ecoregions. With their variations in temperature, rainfall, elevation, and soil, these regions dharbor distince communities of plants and animals. Maecenas tempor sapien nec ligula rhoncus auctor. Nullam interdum cursus dui, sed bibendum felis tincidunt quis. Aenean in mauris at ex venenatis dignissim. Vivamus et dui rhoncus, semper justo a, bibendum nisi. Donec ullamcorper lectus velit, at scelerisque neque semper in. Quisque iaculis sagittis arcu a suscipit. Nunc eget pulvinar eros, a rhoncus augue. Praesent at vestibulum turpis. Cras blandit imperdiet rutrum. Nam eget porttitor dui, et vestibulum orci. Suspendisse a lorem et turpis eleifend fringilla eget quis mauris. Donec rhoncus lacus vel gravida aliquet.


HISTORY, PEOPLE, CULTURE, CYCLES Maecenas tempor sapien nec ligula rhoncus auctor. Nullam interdum cursus dui, sed bibendum felis tincidunt quis. Aenean in mauris at ex venenatis dignissim. Vivamus et dui rhoncus, semper justo a, bibendum nisi. Donec ullamcorper lectus velit, at scelerisque neque semper in. Quisque iaculis sagittis arcu a suscipit. Nunc eget pulvinar eros, a rhoncus augue. Praesent at vestibulum turpis. Cras blandit imperdiet rutrum. Nam eget porttitor dui, et vestibulum orci. Suspendisse a lorem et turpis eleifend fringilla eget quis mauris. Donec rhoncus lacus vel gravida aliquet.


  • Mavulas - crystalline forest village on the edge of the southern swamps and crystal forests.
  • Glistening Wilds - untamed wilderness with plenty of crystalline creatures and hilly forests, trees have crystals growing like parasites on them.
  • Ga’mi Woods - an unusual patch of non-crystal trees in the midst of crystal forests.  It's like a hole that sank into the ground and then became its own secluded forest. 
  • Ve’Oh Mire - a swampy area of the crystal forests, wet grasses and sparse, tall oval shaped crystals sprout here.
  • Varelith Bog - a misty low-land area towards the south, mossy landscape that covers rounded crystals gives the earth a ‘bubble’ like appearance.
  • Klah Basin - waterfalls pour into this basin, which acts like a reservoir that spills out into many rivers.
  • Xa’ye Labyrinth - a twisting forested cavern, easy to get lost in, thick vegetation and crystals grow here. 
  • Hy’rus Caves - a dry cave that grows specific types of crystals, the air is stale, and the caves run deep. Plenty of mining opportunities in the dark. 
  • Barrwood Hideout - a cave that was fully mined, now exists as a dry and dusty hideout for bandits. 
  • The Blue Caverns - wide and open caverns that grow only blue crystals, underground lakes filled with glowing insects and blind fish.
  • Grave’m Caves - a narrow, treacherous cave that many have fallen into, and to their death. 
  • Lud’wich Sanctuary - a village deep within the crystal forests, the people here live in harmony with the wildlife and use the crystal's magics in a symbiotic manner with nature. 
  • Mil’ney Den - A small bandit camp on the edge of the crystal forests and the eastern deserts, it sits along the coast. 
  • Bo’oa Thicket - vines that are covered in crystal thorns grow in brambles, it's hard to traverse through, and you’ll get pricked easily. Best to travel around.
  • Sha’gille Wilds - a mix of grassy forests and sparse crystals, towards the eastern deserts and mountains.
  • Xia’nos Forest - the largest forest of a specific type of tree, their roots spread for many miles underground. 
  • Echoing Rapids - coming from the os’en cascades is a dangerous and fast flowing river filled with rapids. There are crystals rather than rocks here.
  • Os’en Cascades - a long network of medium sized waterfalls that all flow into a single river.
  • Silent Channel - the os’en cascades turns into the echoing rapids, that eventually calm down into a long and lazy river. Ironically named. 
  • Kir’ty Falls - a large area of waterfalls that flows into the ough’ty falls.
  • Ough’ty Falls - the bottom half of the kir’ty falls, very misty here.
  • Mar’keel Estuary - a wide river basin that flows into the southern sea.  A mix of freshwater and salt. 


  • Major Biomes
  • Minor & Transitional Biomes
  • Caves
  • Oceans
  • Foliage & Fauna
  • World Tree
  • Towns & Villages
  • Runes & Sacred Places
  • Locations
  • Governments
  • Trading & Commerce
  • Security
  • Corp
  • Daily Life
  • Employment
  • Plant & Fungi
  • Aquatic
  • Dragon
  • Avian
  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Very Rare
  • Ultra Rare
  • Unnatural
  • Pets & Mounts
  • Working Creatures
  • Types
  • Where to Find
  • Best Uses
  • Environmental Impact
  • The Ancient Ones
  • Void & Corrupted Spirits
  • TECH
  • Weapons
  • Armour
  • Daily Uses
  • Magic & Crystal Infusion