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#141 JAEF

#141 Jaef OVERVIEW COMMON DESCRIPTION Extremely skittish, these little guys travel in packs using their crystal thumbs to dig up roots and vegetation. They have a strong resistance to other creatures' magical abilities, as well as in innate ability to cast several types of elemental spells. GALLERY


#140 Berriesaur OVERVIEW COMMON DESCRIPTION Very friendly towards people and curious towards pets. They have a tendancy to travel in small herds through tropical villages and eat peoples gardens, or roam into their homes in search of food. Sometimes even climbing onto couches and furniture to rest, they are unbothered by the day-to-day activities of people. GALLERY


#139 Cave Slothmoth OVERVIEW RARE DESCRIPTION The Cave Slothmoth likes to spend its time underground in caves like its name suggests. Usually solitary, and shys away from members of its own species, the Cave Slothmoth is actually quite friendly towards other species. It’s often found with Polithiums #108 and #113 Ronderquils acting as a caretaker. Its large size is enough to deter...


#138 Forest Blinkbird OVERVIEW COMMON DESCRIPTION Not usually kept as pets due to their constant need for attention, these blinkbirds are quite intelligent and require more enrichment to keep entertained. They sometimes steal from other critters just for fun. They can mimic the sounds of other critters and their owners. GALLERY


#137 Fancy Blinkbird OVERVIEW COMMON DESCRIPTION Bred for their wide variety of colours and plumage styles, the fancy blinkbird is the most domesticated of all blinkbirds. It has a docile and sweet personality and is happy to be kept with other blinkbirds. Each Blinkbird has its own food preferences, though it prefers a variety of seeds and insects. GALLERY


#136 Arctic Blinkbird OVERVIEW UNCOMMON DESCRIPTION Less commonly found, this species of blinkbird prefers colder regions and open spaces for hunting small mouse or rabbit like critters. It has an ethereal sounding call that can be heard across the tundra. They like to make nests in pairs often in hollowed out fungi, trees or snow. GALLERY


In a galaxy far from Earth, magical critters roam an alien planet. Its inhabitants are under threat from corrupted creatures. Choose to save them, or join their forces to take over. The creatures are an artistic exercise in speculative biology - hypothetical creatures with a basis on Earths evolution and scenarios. While it may be inspired from Earths creatures, a pinch of magic and alien elements make it a fun design challenge.