There are 4 main races; the Dragonkin, Syreni, Avian and Plant & Fungifolk. Each with their own unique cultures and traits.

DRAGONKIN - Living in the Southern Swamps in hot and humid areas near water. Many of the Dragonkin are inclined to herbalism, alchemy, natural magics, healers, shamanism, druidism careers and lifestyles. Dragon-Kin are able to attune to a variety of elements depending on the area they are hatched and raised in. The most common, is earth, water, healing and their magical abilities grow as they age and peaking after death in their Spirit Form.

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SYRENI - Living in the Northern Polar Oceans of the world, the Syreni are a highly intelligent & aquatic people who resemble axolotls/seals. They live in palaces carved from snow and ice underwater. Depending on the location, it may be carved from the underside of an iceberg - many of which are carried along the ocean currents like a moving castle.

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AVIAN - a widespread people who all have the appearance resembling of Earths birds of the world. Just as visually diverse, and all with wind elemental magics. They are also a highly intelligent species as a whole, many of whom are philosophers, engineers, skilled alchemists, pilots and merchants.

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PLANT & FUNGIFOLK - The first intelligent race to inhabit the planet. They were created from the sticks and mud from a bored Ancient One they create the World Tree alongside the first Ancient One, and it taught them how to care for the planet be in harmony from it.

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